Monday, October 24, 2011

DIY Facial Scrubs :)

With the winter months approaching, us guys and gals need to keep our faces and bodies moisturized. So, I decided to list some of my favorite diy facial scrubs to help get rid of dry skin and keep your skin looking its best. I love saving money and sharing my cheap ideas with you . :P
** Don't use any of these ingridients if you are allergic. **
Aspirin / Honey Face Scrub:
3-4 Aspirin - uncoated
Pure Honey
1.) Place aspirin on plate. Sprinkle enough drops of water so that they will begin to dissolve.
2.)Drop 2 -3 drops of honey on apirin and water, smashing them with your finger to make a paste.(will be grainy)
3.) Apply mixture to your face, rub it all over.
4) Add water to your hands and rub on your face. Let set for a few minutes.
5) Finally rinse the mixture completely off your face and apply moisturizer. :)
Once finished, your face should be soft, glowy, and smooth :)
**DIY Olive Oil / Sugar Scrub
Take a 1/2 cup sugar and 2 tsp. of extra virgin olive oil and mix together. (Do this while in the shower or at night before bed :) Massage mixture onto wet face / body. Rinse. The sugar helps get rid of dead skin and the evoo (olive oil) moisturizes :) Olive oil is also good to use as a rinse for dry hair and to moisturize eyelashes:)

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I've seen your videos on youtube, and like them, so I searched for your blog. I'm new to blogging, so I hope this isn't rude...but I think you'd like my blog. My very first post was about honey as a facewash. And, I've posted about how to dress in a professional environment (plan to make that a regular post). I hope you'll hop over for a visit. Regardless, keep up the good work on the youtube videos!



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